The model is straight from the box and absolutely crammed full of character - I loved him the moment I saw him in the cabinets at Adepticon last year, and bought him pretty much immediately! It was a great resin cast miniature, and there are a number of other pig-men to go alongside him (including a six-eyed one being ridden by a dwarf!)... so naturally I have a few more to do in the future!
The base is scratch build from plasticard and foamboard with some squadron white (a air-dry putty that comes in a toothpaste style tube) layered on top for the texture and carved into to make the stone pattern, and the door is balsa wood carved/textured slightly with sculpted Rackham-esque swirly hinges added with greenstuff. Big shout out to the Apes over at Massive Voodoo for their 'Creating Realistic Arrows' tutorial - very useful!
I will be bringing this guy to Salute on Saturday, so you'll get to have a look if you are there - he'll be in the painting comp cabinets... wish me luck (I'll be the guy in a purple Platoon Britannica shirt with 'Avicenna' on the back)!
For anyone who is that way inclined, I have added these photos to my Cool Mini or Not and Putty and Paint Galleries - please pop over and vote
Anyway, on with the photos - I hope you like him!
"...and this little piggy went to...
Excellent work, I can just imagine how long this took. Ta for posting.